Drake equation parameters

The Drake equation is an attempt to provoke discussion about the possibility of alien civilisations contacting Earth. The equation is N = R* × fp × ne × fl × fi × fc × L, where N is the number of contactable alien civilisations and the other parameters are described below. Values are taken from estimates from the Wikipedia page.

The probabilistic calculator Caladis (also see associated paper) can be used to estimate and explore the probability distribution of the logarithm of N; the calculation is performed here. Probability density at log N > 0 (hence N > 1) could correspond to the probability that one or more alien civilisations are emitting detectable signals.

ParameterDescriptionLower boundUpper boundDistribution of log(parameter)Approximate mean from rangeApproximate mean of log(parameter)
R*Rate of star formation in our galaxy7 yr-17 yr-1log 77.02.0
fpThe proportion of stars with planets0.41log U(0.4,1)0.7-0.4
ne × flThe average number of planets capable of supporting life, per star with planets, multiplied by the proportion planets capable of supporting life that actually develop life10-110.2 × 0.13 = 0.026U(log 10-11, log 0.026) ≈ U(-25.3, -3.7)0.013-14.5
fiThe proportion of planets with life that develop civilisation10-91U(log 10-9, log 1) ≈ U(-20.7, 0)0.5-10.4
fcThe proportion of civilisations that emit detectable signals into space0.10.2log U(0.1,0.2)0.15-1.9
LThe length of time for which signal-emitting civilisations emit signals304 yr109 yrU(log 304, log 109) ≈ U(5.7, 20.7)5 × 10813.2